User Guidelines: 1. Users should be responsible for account security and personal information. Do not disclose your password to anyone. 2. All users must respect coaches and maintain a professional and well-mannered deportment during all interactions. 3. Any inappropriate behaviour, discrimination, or abuse towards coaches will not be tolerated. 4. It's essential to honour all appointments. Failing to attend the training session without valid reason or cancelation notice may result in penalties. 5. All payments are made directly on the platform; no external transactions should be made to coaches. 6. Users acknowledge that there is no refund policy; any disputes over financial matters should be referred to the company. The company retains the right to make the final decision. Disclaimer: The app, its developers, or the associated organization will not be liable for any claims, damages, or losses resulting from the services as provided by the coaches. The organization retains final arbitration rights in all financial disputes and notes that no refunds will be given. 用戶守則: 1. 用戶需對帳戶的安全和個人資料負責,不要把你的密碼告訴任何人。 2. 所有的用戶需要尊重教練,在所有的互動中保持專業和禮貌的行為。 3. 對教練的任何不適宜行為、歧視或虐待都是不被容忍的。 4. 守時對所有的約定至關重要。若未由具有正當原因的情況下缺席訓練課程或取消通知,可能會導致懲罰。 5. 所有的支付都會直接在平台上完成,不應該直接向教練做支付。 6. 用戶注意,該公司不設退款,所有金錢糾紛應交由公司處理。該公司擁有最終裁決權。 免責聲明: 該APP、其開發者或相關的組織對任何來自教練提供的服務導致的索賠、損壞或損失皆不承擔責任。該組織擁有所有金錢糾紛的最終裁決權,並註明不會提供退款。